The Ultimate Video SEO Checklist

Repeat My Exact Steps To Fully Optimize Your Video For The Best Possible Ranking & Conversions

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Recording Video

  • Length of Video

    Video length needs to be as long as necessary to provide value, but keep in mind that the average view length is 3-6 minutes.

    My reviews are typically about 15 minutes to provide detailed information.

  • Keywords

    Be sure to say your keywords in the opening line of your video, or at least within the first 30 seconds.

  • Benefits
    • Mention your video outline at the beginning of your video.
    • Let your visitor know what they're going to see and the benefits they'll receive.
    • This should be followed up with your "hook".

  • Your Hook
    • Keep your viewer engaged by telling them why they should keep watching.
    • For example... "stick with me to the end so I can show you why_______"

Video Editing

  • Pattern Interrupts

    No one likes to see the same screen for more than 5-10 seconds.

    Change your screen often with stock images, video clips, icons, or simply zooming in and out.

  • Intros / Outros

    Don't create a long intro - people are impatient & want to get right to the information they came for (I don't use one).

    Either leave room at the end to show the end screen video choices (that's what I do), or have an endscreen premade to add to the end of your video.

  • Example

    Here's a link to my channel should you want to see what I do 😊

    Legitimate Affiliate Training

During Uploading

  • High Definition

    Always upload high-definition videos.

  • Video Title

    Your keywords are the beginning of your title, followed by a benefit or something catchy.

    Keep your title short and to the point - 10 words or less

    Use numbers when you can. For example "7 ways to...."

    Capitalize each word

    Use emojis

  • Product Description

    Your first 2 sentences are the most important (above the fold).

    Write your keywords in the opening sentence, followed by your Call to Action (affiliate link).

    Write a great description of your video, ideally 150 words or more if called for.

    Add relevant keywords (writing naturally will include most)

    Add benefits for the user/reader.

  • Chapters

    Add chapters in your description of key points in your video.

    Click here for a Youtube Tutorial.

  • Tags

    Your first tag is the title of your video.

    Add tags that people search for. For example "how to...", or "best...."

    Add tags that describe your video.

    Get your free account with Tubebuddy to see what tags your competition uses (and copy them). Click here to check out Tubebuddy

    Remember, you have a 500 character limit so choose wisely.

  • Cards

    Keep your visitor on your channel longer by linking to other relevant videos.

    Click here to read about Youtube Cards

  • End Screens

    This is another way to keep your viewers on your channel.

    Choose other relevant videos to add to your end screen.

    Click here to read about Youtube End Screens

  • Playlist

    If you're creating videos about a specific topic, create playlists to organize them.

    Click here to learn about Playlists.

After Uploading

  • Transcription

    Yes, Youtube will automatically transcribe your video, but it's usually horrible.

    Be sure to check it and fix any errors.

  • Proof Read

    Check your description for spelling errors.

    Make sure all your links work.

    Can you see your Call To Action above the "Show More" button in the description?

  • Publish

    Publish your video once it's fully uploaded.

    Make it public immediately or schedule it for a future time.

  • Comment/Pin/Like

    Add your Call To Action as the first comment.

    Pin your comment so it stays at the top.

    Like your video.

    Like and "heart" your comment.

  • Share

    Share your video on Facebook, and other social media platforms.

    Send the video to your email list.

    Embed the video in a blog post on your site.

  • Analytics

    Use all the analytics that Youtube provides you, to determine who your audience is, when they are watching, how long they are watching for. Use these metrics to improve your channel where necessary.

    Determine when the peak watch time is and schedule your videos for those days and times.

    What keywords is your channel ranking for? Let this tell you what type of videos to do next.

    Learn more about your analytics here.


  • Bright Colors

    Use bright contrasting colours to make your thumbnail "Pop".

  • Text

    Use no more than 3-5 words.

    Make them large. They need to be read on mobiles.

    Your text should summarize your video's primary benefit.

    Would you click on your thumbnail?

  • Images

    Close-ups of faces are popular.

    If using an image, make sure it can be clearly seen on mobile.

    Any image should be relevant to your video topic.

Youtube Channel

  • Channel Art

    First impressions are important!

    Create great channel art. If you don't know how, hire someone on Fiverr to make one for you. It's fairly cheap!

    Include your website & social media profiles.

  • Custom URL

    A custom URL looks like:

    You're eligible for a custom URL for your channel when:

    1: You have 100 or more subscribers

    2: Your channel is at least 30 days old

    3: You've uploaded a photo as your channel icon

    4: You've uploaded channel art

    Learn about custom URLs (Handles) here.

Helpful Resources