16 Point SEO Checklist

This checklist will keep your content high quality and help you stay organised. Ranking in Google depends on you creating high quality content and this checklist will help you.


Before Publishing

  • Work through the content creation checklist!

    Before you can do SEO you need to create the content. Use the Content Creation Checklist to get started with creation your first blog post.

  • Work slow and steady!

    A common mistake people make is to think they have to publish blog posts quickly and often. WRONG!

    Take your time and work slow and methodical. Focus on delivering value. More blog posts is not better because it reduces the quality of the blog posts.

Final Checks

  • Word Count - At Least 1,500 Words

    Secret tip - NEVER stop writing because you hit your word count. Write until the user intent is served.

  • Keyword In Opening Paragraph

    Your keyword must be in the opening paragraph. Afterwards, write naturally without thinking about the keyword. This ensures a natural flow without "keyword stuffing". Don't think about how many times to use it or "Am I using the keywords too many times". Write naturally and you'll do fine.

  • Great User Experience

    Take a break and open up your blog post in a new window and read it with fresh eyes. Consider the user intent. Do you feel that your content gives a comfortable user experience.

    The layout, the colors, the font... do you like it?

    Spot anything that is missing?

  • Mobile Responsive

    Double check your mobile responsiveness. Sometimes when performing last minute edits the mobile responsiveness can be forgotten.

    Click here to re-visit the tutorial about mobile friendliness.

  • Bullet Points & Lists

    Have you included bullet points, lists and internal navigation menus to break up the content to make it more structured and easier to digest?

    Visit the Bullet Points & Menus training to refresh your memory.

  • Small Paragraphs

    Adding lots of small paragraphs is the key. No one likes seeing a huge chunk of text. Separate your content into 3 lined paragraphs at a max.

  • LSI Keywords

    Injecting keywords related to your main keywords is very important. Follow the tutorial about Injecting Keyword Rich Content to refresh your memory.

  • Image Optimization

    Your images must have titles + alt descriptions.

    You images must also be as small as possible in file size.

    Go back and watch the Image Optimization training to refresh your memory.

  • External links

    Have you included any external links to back up any claims?Have you quoted anyone and used their blog posts to back up your own opinions?

    Revisit the External Links & Referencing training to remember what to do.

  • Internal Links

    Internal links are incredibly important for SEO and for the user experience. Whenever possible, link to other pieces of content within your blog post.

    Check out the Internal Linking training to understand what to do here.

  • Meta Description

    Your meta description is very important. Revisit the lesson about Meta Description here to refresh your memory.

After Publishing

  • Check your URL is secure after publishing

    After you hit "Publish", open up your URL for the blog post and double check you have a green padlock.

  • Share your link on social media!

    If you have a social media presence then share it with your followers. Construct a good CTA and give them an emotional reason or benefit to click and read your blog post.

  • Embed A Video (Optional)

    Do you have a YouTube channel? Why not make a video about the same topic and make a video version of your blog post. You can then embed that video inside the blog post to add even more value.