Services no longer being sold as from 22nd November 2023


Anyone making payments to Tim’s’ bank account from this date will not receive the service, or receive a refund.

You have been warned- End Of !


STEP 1 Make Payment.

  • How to use this Checklist?

    This Checklist was created to provide information in step by step form on how to pay for products. Before you go ahead you could read through all 3 steps if you want.

    If there is a plus sign you can click it to expand for more information. You can also tick off the boxes to keep track of your progress if you want (you do not have to).

    You can untick box by box if you need or if you want to untick all boxes you can just click the RESET button to start over if you like. IF you experience problems with this checklist and need to show it, then signup for free with LOOM and make a screenrecording video. When you have made your video it will be listed at once in the loom online dashboard with a link to it. Send the link to us using our Ticket System so we can take a look at it.

  • Ask Pre-Sales Questions here
  • Short Overview Video Step 1

  • Click the Plus icon and use the Bank Transfer Details to pay.

    Admin taking 2 month break, so no orders after 23rd August 23 until 27th October 23, as they won’t be be processed during this time.

    Minimum order amount is $600 & we give no refunds.

    Decide what product(s) you want and Pay for it in a single transfer - no split payments. Use the below Bank Wire Details:

    T. Rifat

    Lloyds Tsb

    IBAN: GB85LOYD30912500049043

    BIC: LOYDGB21002

    Address: 171-173 North Street

    Brighton BN11GL

    Remember to pay the receivers bank fees. Ask your bank about this if you do not know.

    Send payment in UK Pounds!

    Need more information? Then listen to Tim reading up the bank details.


  • Make a Copy of your completed Bank Wire Transfer.

    Make a screendump image of your completed bank wire transaction since you will need it in Step 3!

    Can be a scanned in image of a bank wire receipt too, but it needs to be visible.

    Save this document for Step 3!

    Maximum filesize is 2MB.

    You can reduce the filesize by using tinypng free online service.

  • Send Postage and Packaging cost separately via Paypal!

    Standard Shipping cost:

    Not applicable anylonger, not taking any orders, as stated!!

STEP 2 Prepare information.

  • Add Full Product Screenshot

    Take a screenshot of the product poster and keep it for step 3 when you create your ticket.

  • How many crystals comes with your purchase?

    Please make it clear how many clear crystals and dark crystals are included with the service.

    For example, is it one clear and one dark crystal (which is the typical configuration of a service)?

    Or is it one clear and two dark crystals? Or any other variation?

    Why are we asking you the customer this question?

    Due to the large volume of orders it is difficult to remember the exact crystal configuration for each service since Tim Rifat offers thousands of services.

    We always double check, but your assistance in this matter will speed up the completion of the order.

  • Short Overview Video Step 2

  • Name & Delivery address ( required ).

    We need Your Name & Delivery address ( required ).

  • Total amount of order ( required).

    Total amount of order ( required).

  • Name on your Certificate? ( required).

    What name should we put on your Certificate(s)?

  • Make a list of Product(s) you have paid for (required).

    Not applicable anylonger, not selling.

    Make a list of Products paid for:

    Exact name(s) and price(s) ( required ).

    Also provide a link to each product page!


    Other options:

    If you found the product in an online video we need:

    Name of the video

    The link to the video

    Timestamp where the product name is mentioned and it´s price.

    If you found the product in an offline mp3 then we need:

    The exact name of the mp3

    Timestamp of when the product name and price were mentioned.

  • Template you can copy for easy use.

    Name and Delivery Address:

    Total Amount of Order:

    Name on your Certificate(s):

    Make a List of the Product(s) you have paid for:

    Exact product name 1 and price here.

    Product webpage link here.

    Exact product name 2 and price here.

    Product webpage link here.

    How many clear crystals?

    How many dark crystals?

Step 3 Create One Ticket

  • How Our New Ticket System Works

    You do not need to register an account, instead you will get an email. This email will contain a link that takes you straight to your ticket!

    If you do not receive an email (check your spam folder) you can use the ticket id to access your ticket. Just fill in your ticket id and email address here. So it could be a good idea to save the ticket id in case the email sending would fail.

  • Only Create One Ticket

    Only create one ticket even if you have bought several products at once.

    This makes it easier for us to handle since we would like to send the products in one package and only with one shipping fee.

    Also, if you create several separate tickets we might have to ask for double or more in shipping cost.

    Here is the link to our new Ticket Sytem, so click this to visit (opens in new window).

  • Submit the information that you collected from Step 2.
  • Send a screenshot of transfer showing date

    Send a screenshot of transfer showing date (document you created in Step 1).

    Maximum File Size 2MB

    You can shrink the file size by using this online free service.

    File Extension Types are: .gif, .jpg, .png, .zip, .rar, .csv, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .txt

  • Click the Blue "Submit Ticket" button!

    Click the Blue "Submit Ticket" button because you are done!

  • You are ready, what now?

    After you clicked the Submit Ticket button you will get a message like this:

    Your ticket has been successfully submitted! Ticket ID: PVR-ME1-S1N9

    No confirmation email?

    We sent a confirmation message to your email address. If you do not receive it within a few minutes, please check your Junk, Bulk or Spam folders. Mark the message as Not SPAM to avoid problems receiving our correspondence in the future.

    1. If you didnt receive an email at all you could use the Ticket ID that appear directly after you clicked the Submit Ticket button. In the example above the Ticket id is: PVR-ME1-S1N9. You will always be able to reach your ticket with your Ticket id (as long as ticket is still open) by going to Visit Existing Ticket page. Just fill in Ticket id and your email address and you will open up your ticket page. On the Visit Existing Ticket page you also have a way to recover your Ticket id by just entering your email.
    2. If everything works as it should you get the email and can just click the link to open your Ticket.
  • Delivery time status

    Check delivery time status by clicking here!

  • 12 Months Validity of Order/Payment!

    If you sent us money for a product you must contact us and if there is problems of any sort you must follow up with us to sort it out.

    If you contact us later than 12 months and say you have not received your product etc it will be to late. So it is very important to contact us to sort your order and shipment out if there is a problem.
