The Right Way to Build an Email List from Scratch

Email marketing has proven to be the most successful way of bringing a large audience to your ecommerce store daily. Here’s how to build an email list from scratch in the right manner:

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Include a Standard Subscription Form

  • Never underestimate standard subscription

    A lot of ecommerce websites have given up on standard subscription. It can play a great role in gathering your email addresses. Anyone who likes your products/services will surely sign up.

  • Easy and straightforward subscription

    Standard subscription is an easy and straightforward way to ask for an email address. People who find it useful will definitely go ahead.

Build a Surprise but Timed Popup

  • Time a popup

    Including a popup is a great way to grab attention. However, it must be timed so that the visitor has enough time to view your products first.

  • Make a catchy popup

    A popup must include a catchy sentence or a few unresistable options to choose from. It makes sure that the visitor enters his email address.

Offer Incentives upon Email Subscription

  • Offer discounts

    Asking for direct email subscriptions is fine but offering incentives especially discounts compels the visitor to subscribe.

  • Offer free shipping

    Free shipping, for limited time or forever, is another great incentive to offer upon email subscription. Everyone wants to save the shipping costs!

  • Offer newsletter access

    If you have a badass newsletter with a great deal of information, people must want to get free access. You can surely offer that upon email subscription.

Create Gamified Signups

  • Creative way to get emails

    How about entering an email address to play a game that wins you incentives? It makes the visitor engage with your website for a longer time too.

  • Design interesting games

    Make sure the games are interesting such as spinning the fortune wheel, choosing a color etc.

Ask for Subscription on Landing Pages

  • Include pop ups on landing pages

    Adding popups on landing pages is an easy way to ask for a subscription. If the visitor likes a product and wants related updates, all he needs to do is enter the email.

  • A signup to access the product

    It is a good option to ask for a signup before the visitor is allowed to access the product on the landing page. Interested visitors are always ready for it!

Design Referral Programs

  • Include sharing options

    Sharing options that allow visitors to share your website, a product/service on social media or through private channels earns you a large number of referrals.

  • Offer incentives over referrals

    Referral programs should always come with incentives. Offer a discount or a gift over referrals to make your visitors interested in the program.

Build Email List Offline

  • Collect email addresses from in-store customers

    To build email lists offline, you can collect email addresses from customers who make a purchase in-store.

  • Organize meetups and social gatherings

    Organizing meetups and gatherings allows you to interact with people and pass a word regarding your business. Offer your business card in exchange for an email address.

  • Participate in faires

    Faires keep happening. As you set up your booth, keep a notepad to enter the email address of each individual who pays a visit or makes a purchase.