Click the checkboxes to tick off the steps as you work through your plan



  • List your purpose according to the Purpose Test.
  • List your top five passions according to the Passion Test,
  • List 5 ways in which you're bringing your purpose into your microdegree.
  • List 5 ways in which you're bringing your passions into your microdegree.
  • Complete your WHY for creating your course that incorporates your passion and purpose.


  • List the most appropriate GeniusU tools for delivering your content according to your natural strengths.
  • Describe how you should be using question assessments and slider assessments according to your leadership style.
  • Explain how you would combine playbook and video so that it feels right for you.


  • List your two top variables that pertain to the people who you would like to transform.
  • Using the 4-quadrant method, list the 4 segments based on your two top variables.
  • List the key insights for planning your microdegree based on understanding your WHO.
  • Given the WHY you created in the previous step, describe the segment you'd like to transform first.


  • Indicate the number of hours per week can you allocate towards planning, creating, and uploading your content.
  • Indicate how many hours per week you can allocate towards marketing your content.
  • Indicate how many hours per week you can allocate towards supporting your learners.
  • List the projects that you need to first complete in preparation for supporting your learners.
  • Decide a realistic launch date for your microdegree.
  • Based on your unique combination of Genius frequencies, explain how much time you should be spending creating, connecting, relationship building, project managing, and putting systems and processes in place.
  • Describe the activities you should rather outsource or partner with others to complete.
  • Describe your roll-out plan for your microdegree considering the different learning styles of Dynamos, Blazes, Tempos, and Steels.


  • What do you want your WHO to know about your course topic? Make a list.
  • What do you want your WHO to understand about your course topic? Make a list.
  • What do you want your WHO to apply once they understand your course topic? Make a list.
  • List your knowledge-level course objectives.
  • List your understanding-level course objectives.
  • List your application-level course objectives.
  • List the lessons for your course.
  • List the know-understand-apply questions you'd like to ask for each lesson.
  • Convert your answers into objectives using the appropriate verbs.
  • List possible slider assessments for each of your lessons.
  • List possible question assessments for each of your lessons.