Promotions - With Automation


1 - Before You Start

  • Watch ALL the training of the product you are promoting
  • Makes Notes About Potential Bonuses (optional)
  • Makes Notes For Your Review
  • Watch the Promo Training inside ATB, called "MODULE 7: RUNNING AN AFFILIATE PROMOTION"

2 - Create Review + Bonuses + Bonus Pages

  • Record Your Review For YouTube
  • Schedule the review
  • Create Review Page
  • Link Review Page To YouTube Description
  • Embed review of review page
  • Create Bonuses (optional)
  • Add bonus delivery options for PKS, W+, etc.. (optional)

3 - Emails + Automation

  • Write The Kick-starting Newsletter And Schedule It
  • Write The Rest Of The Emails And Save Them As Draft
  • Create The Automation
  • Insert The Kick-Starting Email At Top + Draft Emails into automation
  • Publish the automation

4 - Check BEFORE Automation Goes Live

  • Go into "automation messages" and double check all links and spelling
  • Check your YT description to make sure links work
  • Double check links on review page
  • Double check review page mobile responsiveness
  • Double check any send timing conditions of emails
  • Double check any time sensitive info (price points ending, launch times, etc)
  • Double check the automation is PUBLISHED
  • Double check the "if opened" condition have a messaged assigned to them

5 - Advanced

  • Record a new mini review for the review page which replaces the normal review. This acts as a more direct review as you know the people watching are familiar with you

    This is an unlisted video where you talk directly to your audience. You YT video remains on YouTube. These are typically "bonus & benefit" orientated and is sale orientated.

  • Duplicate your review page and ad an opt in form to use for YouTube link + inject this into your automation on the 1st promo email

    You inject them into the same automation you just created + the "inside automation" tag needs to be assigned. You inject them into the first promo email, the resend one because the "kickstarting" email was schedules outside automation.

  • On review page, give away a free case study/freebie to anyone who opts in to the list to entice them
  • Create an advanced automation where you send different email to those who click to the review page by sending them unannounced bonuses and freebies

    You know that anyone who has clicked the link has seen your review page, which means they are interested. Use the "if link clicked" condition to separate them into a new series of emails where you share case studies and free bonuses to entice them to buy.

  • Add tracking links to affiliate links so you can see which sales come from YouTube and which come from your email list

    Go to the affiliate platforms and ask them for documentation about link tracking.